Have you recently seen an unlimited bandwidth offer from a web hosting company? As you are looking around to find the best web hosting package available, you will undoubtedly find companies advertising unlimited bandwidth. Many web hosting companies are turning to this type of advertisement to increase their business perspective. The prices are dropping lower and lower and even more companies, including Godaddy.com, Hostgator.com, and 1and1.com, are offering the promise of “unlimited bandwidth.”
Can you get unlimited bandwidth?
The answer to this question is absolutely not.
The reason it is impossible is that there are limits to what the hardware can support. The hosting company has limited bandwidth to work with. Meaning if your site is using too many resources they will boot you off their servers, and require that you upgrade. They also have physical limits on their server memory, the disc storage and the hardware that they use for networking. Don’t be alarmed because many respectable web hosting companies do use this marketing tactic, though.
If unlimited bandwidth is not possible, why do companies still offer it?
Here is where the story gets interesting. While it is not likely that a web hosting company has the capabilities of truly unlimited bandwidth, it is possible that they can give the appearance of such. They can make it so that the client will have the full effects of having unlimited bandwidth.
The majority of all websites only use a very small portion of disc space and bandwidth. The web hosting companies rely on this fact because the smaller amount of bandwidth used and disc space was used, the more they have available to offer to other clients.
Here is where the true marketing comes into play. Hosts can provide services that feel like it is unlimited but, in actuality, it is not.
So is this a good deal or just a marketing trick?
In one way this is truly a marketing tactic. The claim of “unlimited bandwidth” is an overstatement just to get you interested in their services.
Web hosting companies have to have an edge in this very competitive market. While they are selling a package that is not truly possible, they are providing services that give you that appearance. It may seem like they are dishonest but if they provide you with all of the bandwidths that you need to operate your business, then it is not necessarily a complete falsehood. If you use BlueHost.com as an example, you will see that this is a very good web hosting company and they provide excellent service to their customers.
Now, there are some things that should be considered when choosing a web hosting company. While the bandwidth and the disc storage are important, there are some other things that you should be just as concerned with, if not more concerned with.
The resources available with the server should be of utmost concern. You should consider how much server CPU, RAM, and database connections are being used to support all of their customers. I do like how WireNine.com is completely transparent and does show you exactly what you can use with their hosting plans.
Be sure that you are considering all options when it comes to selecting your web hosting company. Do not concentrate only on the bandwidth and the storage abilities. Check out the customer feedback on my hosting review site. Read about their current customer’s concerns, server uptime, and the stability that others have commented on about each company I have reviewed.
Now that you know about bandwidth, you can check into popular hosts and read the reviews at https://tbwhs.com.
There are so many web hosting companies to choose from and the owners of these web hosting companies no that. If they promise you that you get unlimited bandwidth they are probably desperate for your business. Its marketing and lot of newbie webmasters won’t even thing twice about it until it’s to late.
There is always limited to every server. I really wish the FTC would step in and regulate this. It’s becoming a huge problem that millions of people really need to be aware of.
Exactly, it’s a way to get you to go ahead and sign up with them. In an interview, Jerry at Web Hosting Secret Revealed did with Brent Oxley (X Hostgator owner) said that just calling their plans “unlimited” actually increased sales by 30%.
I’ve said it time and time again; it’s just marketing.