WP fastest cache is a very simple WordPress plugin that I have been using for about six months now. For those of you who don’t know a what a caching plugin is, it’s simply a plugin that makes your website run faster. If your WordPress site is running slowly, then you might want to consider a caching plugin. I recently switched to many my sites from WP Super Cache because I found out that I get better performance results when I check my websites with GTMetrix.com. It’s also a lot easier to set up your configurations in this plugin as well. So if you’re looking for a simple WordPress caching plugin, this article will be of great value to you. In this article, I am going to show you how easy it is to setup this plugin. It’s something that you can do in less than 2 minutes.
For you visual learners I have found this video on YouTube. I apologize now for the crappy music that you have to listen to:
Ok, so to install the WP fastest cache plugin you’re going to need to do a search in your WordPress dashboard for it. Once, you have found it you’re going to install it and click activate.
The settings for this plugin are pretty simple. It’s one of the reasons I like to use it on my websites. Once you have installed the plugin, you should see it right under “Settings” in your WordPress dashboard. It has a little jaguar or some cat icon next to it. Click on it, and you should see a settings panel. The settings panel is where we make the necessary adjustments so that our WordPress site will be cached. Make sure you click on all the settings and click “Submit.”
Optionally, if you want you can clear your cache by going to the “Delete cache.” These options are pretty clear; you can either delete the cache or delete cache and minify CSS/JSS.
If you want, you can tinker with the settings under the “Cache Timeout” settings. For me I have my cache turned out every two hours every 6 hours.
Paid Option
This plugin is 100% free. I always use the free version on my websites. However, if you want to take advantage of some more settings you can always purchase the premium version of the plugin for $39.99. With this premium version, you will have more control over the plugin. Here are the options that the paid version has:
- Image Optimization
- Mobile Cache
- Minify HTML Plus
- Combine Js Plus
- Remove Comments
- Delete Cache Logs
- Cache Statics
I have found that is plugin is much better than other caching plugins I have used in the past. It’s simple and easy to use. Just in case you want to make sure you have the right plugin installed you can view the WP Fastest Cache plugin here. There isn’t a lot to it, but it is a very powerful plugin. Have you tried out this plugin on your WordPress site/sites? If so I would love to hear about your experience with it. Has it made your website load faster? Have you noticed that you’re using less CPU and memory on your server? Please leave your comments down below on your experience with this plugin.
WP Fastest Cache has only 2 alternatives in my opinion: W3 Total Cache and WP SuperCache, but the advantage of WP Fastest Cache is simplicity, plain and clear stuff explained.
In my experience is easier to break your website using W3 or Super Cache as I did many times as they require advanced related knowledge to keep site working smooth.
Do you know what the website is for WP Fastest Cache Premium?
Sure, you can find it right here: