Whenever you’re looking for a web hosting company the last thing you will probably pay attention to is inodes. Honestly, lets face it when you’re in the market for a new host there are a number of things that people tend to overlook. Inodes are just one of those things that newbie webmasters will overlook. […]
Choosing A Web Host – 12 Step Checklist
I know, you’re stuck on how to choose a web hosting company. There are thousands of web hosts to choose from. It can make the entire decision a very tough one. Believe it or not you should be able to ask your web host these 12 questions prior to signing up with them. After you […]
Pros & Cons of Windows Hosting Servers
A lot of webmasters are actually confused on why they should or should not use the Windows OS on their server. The Windows web hosting background operates on the same server your content is kept, caring for necessary events involved for your website to run efficiently. From a glance, Windows looks the same to the […]
What to Do If Hosting Account Gets Suspended?
Have you seen these words? This account has been suspended. Contact your hosting provider for more information. More and more stories from people have come out regarding how their websites have been suddenly suspended. I know it stinks; I used to host with Hostgator.com, and I would see my sites with warnings from time to […]